Episode 33: Finding Happiness – Being With All Your Emotions

Anger is part of the human condition and one that deserves a lot of attention because we don’t like it, we repel away from it and it can be caustic and painful for ourselves and for others if we lash out in anger.

We love to intersect research with the wisdom of medicine that prevailed modern medicine by 1000’s of years. Medical and psychological Research shows that holding onto anger and resentment increases risk for anxiety, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, ulcers, migraines, backaches, heart attack and even cancer!

What You’ll Learn

  • We’re in balance when we allow ourselves to acknowledge and feel ALL of our emotions
  • Why we tend to reject all emotions except for joy as we are endlessly in search for happiness
  • We must be balanced, and to not only seek joy. Without sadness, we cannot feel TRUE joy.
  • Why with too much joy, we are manic, can’t sleep, erratic…
  • Why teaching yourself and your children to name your feelings and you will see/ feel big transitions
  • What role does the amygdala play in emotions
  • How to deal with both personal anger you feel, and anger from others directed at you
  • Why extended families can help new moms keep a more balanced life
  • Forgive people in your life, even those who are not sorry for their actions. Holding on to anger only hurts you not them.
  • The effect of emotions on our organs
  • The role of food on our organs


Alison Armstrong – UnderstandMen.com – Your Source for Understanding Men and Women

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