
Episode 52: What’s Next? Fertology!

They say all good things must end, and it’s the end of Embrace You First! It is NOT however the end of our podcast, we’re just rebranding and changing the focus a little bit. EYF was designed to help us all be the best we can be, and put the focus on US, during the…
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Episode 49: Revolutionizing Weight Loss Strategies (ft. David Bedrick)

Trauma can lead to shame, which can lead to self-destructive talk and behaviour. David Bedrick is a psychologist that specializes in helping women heal trauma, deal with the self-destructive talk and behaviours, and get their LIVES back! David’s teachings and therapies offer women a chance to see an alternative to looking at our bodies through…
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Episode 48: Change Your body, Change Your Life (ft. Paul Walker)

Is there room to love ourselves right now and still want to change our bodies? Dr. Tanya and I say yes.  Here’s a fact, I’m 5 foot nothing and don’t exactly have a model like figure, like my counterpart Tanya. I feel pretty good about myself. I know what to wear to accentuate my features….
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Episode 45: Should I Take Meds Ever?

What happens if you have tried everything naturally from under the sun and your headache, back pain, urinary discomfort, depressive symptoms or anxiety or whatever that ails you persist? Do you stick it out, keep doing what you are doing and hope that your symptoms will magically go away? Or, do you make an appointment…
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Episode 42: How to improve your libido and sex life

We need to normalize how we think about sex. It’s completely natural, yet we have so many communication issues and expectations around it. Desire changes, and we need to have healthy conversations around it, especially self pleasure. Intimacy doesn’t mean sex, sex doesn’t mean penetration. There are many ways to be intimate when the desire…
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Episode 41: Challenge, Choice, Change Pt. 2 (ft. Luis Benitez)

Luis Benitez has climbed and guided climbers to summit some of Earth’s most imposing peaks including Seven Summits in seven continents numerous times. He summited Mt. Everest 6 times and in 2001 he led Erik Weihenmayer, the first blind athlete to summit Mt. Everest! What You’ll Learn How his near-death experiences have changed him How he…
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Episode 40: Challenge, Choice, Change (ft. Luis Benitez)

Luis Benitez has climbed and guided climbers to summit some of Earth’s most imposing peaks including Seven Summits in seven continents numerous times. He summited Mt. Everest 6 times and in 2001 he led Erik Weihenmayer, the first blind athlete to summit Mt. Everest! He has a saying about Challenge, Choice and Change that he shares…
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Episode 39: Resting Heart Rate: Your Health & Fitness Indicator

Did you know – A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness. For example, a well-trained athlete might have a normal resting heart rate closer to 40 beats per minute. But in…
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Episode 37: How To Reduce Your Toxic Load (ft. Emma Rohmann)

There is a ton of information – and misinformation – out there when it comes to toxins in the products you use every day. This can make it almost impossible to figure out how to create a healthy home without feeling completely overwhelmed. Today’s podcast features Emma Rohmann, an environmental engineer that is going to…
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Episode 36: How Sleep & Intimacy Go Hand in Hand

If you’ve been caught up in a cycle of sleepless nights, there’s a drug-free way to get back on track: Make love more often. In our Sleep your Way to success (episode 13) and Beauty Sleep (episode 10) episode we gave a ton of tips on how to improve both your sleep quality and quantity….
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Episode 35: Revolutionizing Motherhood (ft. Kimberly Ann Johnson)

Whether you’ve had your kids or not, this is something all women (and their supportive men and family members) need to know about. Did you know that your health, vitality, and libido can be impacted long term if you don’t take the time to replenish and nourish yourself after childbirth?  Sleep deprivation coupled with the…
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Episode 33: Finding Happiness – Being With All Your Emotions

Anger is part of the human condition and one that deserves a lot of attention because we don’t like it, we repel away from it and it can be caustic and painful for ourselves and for others if we lash out in anger. We love to intersect research with the wisdom of medicine that prevailed…
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Episode 32: Exercises for Growing Mentally Stronger (ft. Amy Morin)

Today we are going to talk about Exercises for Growing Mentally Stronger. Mental strength exercises to fix thoughts and emotions in action to be your best selves and STAY mentally strong during a pandemic. Why do some people have resilience or a positive outlook? Is it in their DNA, or can it be learned and…
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Episode 31: Fill Up Your Cup Pt. 2

After polling our patients on topics for our podcast many of you wanted to know what we are doing to stay positive/motivated/inspired through COVID times.  Indirectly they were asking, what are we doing to fill up our cups!  We answer this question at the end of each of our podcasts but we decided to give…
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Episode 30: Fill Up Your Cup Pt. 1

After polling our patients on topics for our podcast many of you wanted to know what we are doing to stay positive/motivated/inspired through COVID times.  Indirectly they were asking, what are we doing to fill up our cups!  We answer this question at the end of each of our podcasts but we decided to give…
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Episode 29: Secrets to Staying Young Pt. 2 (Ft. Dr. Kara MoraMarco)

What You’ll Learn Why it’s important to embrace change and aging and honour our natural beauty and natural aging Why women need to be aware of the impact of social media and expectations Why social media ‘filters’ distort reality of beauty Why women are going for plastic surgeon and showing face filters Why you should…
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Episode 28: Secrets to Staying Young Pt. 1 (Ft. Dr. Kara MoraMarco)

What You’ll Learn Why it’s important to embrace change and aging and honour our natural beauty and natural aging Why women need to be aware of the impact of social media and expectations Why social media ‘filters’ distort reality of beauty The reasons the preteen suicide rate went up 150% Why women are going for…
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Episode 27: How To Talk To Your 7 y.o. Self

What would life look like if you spoke to yourself in the manner that you would to your seven year old self? Would your self-imposed expectations change? Maybe you wouldn’t be bound to the *same* expectations. Now we realize we can’t go back in time but our 7 year old self is within and we…
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Episode 26: Self Pleasure Pt. 2 (ft. Dr. Jordin Wiggins, ND)

5 Love Languages + Self Pleasure + Intimacy vs Sex! Listen/Watch! On Pt. 2 of our conversation with Dr. Jordin Wiggins, ND, she tells us why & How to use pleasure for more connected relationships & better health! We discuss the difference between intimacy & sex, how people miscommunicate through love (5 love languages) and…
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Episode 25: The Pleasure Mindset Bootcamp (ft. Dr. Jordin Wiggins, ND)

The topic this week is PLEASURE – both partnered pleasure and self love, as Tanya and Mary welcome Dr. Jordin Wiggins, ND to the show! How to use pleasure for more connected relationships & better health! “Masturbation is a meditation on self-love.  So many of us are afflicted with self-loathing, bad body images, shame about…
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Episode 24: Solutions to Fear

Fear can be both a motivation and a debilitation. It can move someone into action, such as stepping on a scale and realizing they need to take action, or it can cause someone to curl up into a ball and avoid bad news. This also manifests as any number of tensions and illnesses in our…
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Episode 23: Conquering New Habits

Each year, as we get closer to year’s end, millions of people hunger for change – weight loss, eat better, be happier, work on mental health, less stress, improve relationships, etc. New Year’s Resolutions are habit, but the things we choose to work on rarely become habits. Stats show that 80% of people GIVE UP…
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Episode 22: Everyday Hero Pt. 2 (ft. Len Stanmore)

If you want to be inspired in how to reinvent your life, meet  Len Stanmore. He is the only person on the planet who has climbed the death zones of 7 highest summits in 7 continents, skied the North and South Pole, crossed four deserts, and ran ultramarathons (100 – 250 km) in crazy treacherous…
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Episode 21: Everyday Hero (ft. Len Stanmore)

If you want to be inspired in how to reinvent your life, meet  Len Stanmore. He is the only person on the planet who has climbed the death zones of 7 highest summits in 7 continents, skied the North and South Pole, crossed four deserts, and ran ultramarathons (100 – 250 km) in crazy treacherous…
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Episode 20: Let Fear Guide You

Let Fear Guide You! In this episode, we are going to take 2021 by the ovaries or balls if you’ve got ‘em and run hard to make 2021 a much more productive and powerful year. We help you banish fear, connect to the moment, accept what you can’t change, feel gratitude, reframe trauma to see…
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Episode 19: Finding Balance In Challenging Times (ft. Evan DeMarco)

Have you ever wondered why some people can keep a healthy work/life balance and positive outlook during challenging times? Why does it seem like some people are just equipped to have hard times bounce off them? Through divorce, job changes, covid times, it’s not always easy, but where there is a will there is a…
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Episode 18: Connection During a Pandemic, How To Thrive & Survive

We are talking about Connection and specifically looking at our ability to relate to one another which may be challenging at the best of times, but now living in a global pandemic it’s a whole other level of impact that we need to pay attention to and decide how to thrive. If you are living…
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Episode 16: Overcoming Fear

Everyone feels fear. And although fear doesn’t feel great when we experience it, in small amounts fear can actually help motivate us. But when fear, stress, and anxiety start to take over our mind or body, there are some ways we can combat it. On today’s episode, we discuss the impact fear has on us…
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Episode 15: Mia and the Go Away Monster Spray (ft. Evan DeMarco)

“Sex trafficking” is a term that we hear a lot in the news and on social media lately. But…what exactly is sex trafficking? Who is affected by it? How do sex traffickers choose their victims and how can we keep ourselves and our loved ones safe? On today’s episode, we are joined by entrepreneur, author,…
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Episode 14: Conscious Cooking (ft. Christine Wong)

Food can not only nourish you, but can also harm you.” On today’s episode, special guest, Christine Wong from @conscious_cooking, joins us to give us new inspiration for vegetables, ideas on how to repurpose food scraps, and tips on how to eat healthy without spending hours in the kitchen each day. Connect with Christine Wong…
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Episode 13: Sleep Your Way to Success

You have a million things on your to-do list. You might consider cutting some sleep out of your schedule to get things done, but on this episode, we talk about how that could actually end up slowing you down in the long run. In Sleep Your Way to Success, we talk about how your sleep…
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Episode 12: The Energy That Heals Us (ft. Jill Blakeway, L.Ac, author)

Jill Blakeway is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist and clinical herbalist. Jill founded Yinova in New York City in 1999 and continues to practice there alongside a team of Chinese medicine practitioners. Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing (Harper Collins) is Jill’s third book on health…
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Episode 11: Sugar

Today’s episode is all about sugar! One in three people are diabetic. What does that mean for you and what steps can you take to lessen your sugar intake? There are some sneaky foods out there with hidden sugars. Do you know how much sugar you are actually consuming? We spend some time talking about…
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Episode 10: Beauty Sleep

This episode is all about sleep! We talk about how much sleep or rest you need in a 24 hour period and what time you should try to fall asleep by. We also dive into what it means when you consistently wake up at a certain time each night, and what you can do to…
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Episode 9: Living Without Plastic (ft. Christine Wong)

Could you go without plastic if it meant life or death? Eco-conscious cook, author, and creator of @conscious_cooking Instagram, Christine Wong joins us on today’s episode to remind us of the harmful effects of plastic on the world around us, and offer some easy tips and tricks to help reduce the amount of plastic we…
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Episode 8: Eating for Vitality

What’s better for you – white rice or potato? Learning to eat healthier shouldn’t be difficult but for many it can be a little confusing.  In this episode, we are going to get clear about healthy food choices. We’ll evaluate the glycemic and insulin index, keto diet, weight loss versus maintenance diets, organic versus non-organic…
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Episode 7: Beauty from the Inside Out (ft. Prerna Kumar)

Prominent makeup artist Prerna Kumar shares her top secrets for flawless skin beyond topical treatments. Passionate about helping others feel beautiful and confident, she is living proof and shares how healing hormonal and cystic acne is possible. Get ready to be inspired and glow from inside out! Connect with Prerna: http://www.prernaco.com/ Instagram  Resources we mentioned:…
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Episode 6: Mindful Eating

We need to eat every day to survive but let’s look beyond what we are eating, to thrive! Explore with us as we look at current eating habits, the art of planning ahead, knowing your why (in eating healthy), and how to be more mindful and satisfied with your food.  In this episode, we cover:…
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Episode 5: Shedding Hope on PCOS (ft. Dr. Lora Shahine)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common condition which touches the lives of one in 10 Americans and 1 in 5 globally! We are super excited to have Dr. Lora Shahine, reproductive endocrinologist, social media sensation, blogger, and author shed light on this topic which includes: Debunking the myth that all women with PCOS will experience…
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Episode 4: PMS is Real (ft. Ashley Levinson, PCOSGurl)

We are super excited to interview Ashley Levinson, aka PCOSGurl, about PMS, a real phenomenon that often gets ignored and overlooked AND the symptoms can be worse if you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (aka PCOS). Ashley is a public health influencer, a PCOS awareness advocate and educator who was diagnosed with PCOS in 1999 while…
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Episode 3: When to Nourish You (Part 1)

In our past episode we covered WHY it’s important, today we are talking about WHEN to nourish you and what does this look like. We were always taught the first meal of the day is the most important. Myth or fact? We will unveil the truth about and discuss: How the food industry has impacted…
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Episode 2: Why it is a Necessity to Nourish You Now

Nourishment is one of the Pillars of good health. Before we get into specifics about what to nourish you with, it’s fundamental to know why it is important to nourish you. In this episode, we want to help you identify your Why. Have you ever said to yourself, I should eat better and eat less…
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Episode 1: Why You Need to Embrace You First

Welcome to our very first episode of Embrace Me First.  As women, we embrace our roles as caregivers and nurturers and often leave ourselves last.  It’s time to embrace the concept of “me first” as a strategy to help you and your loved ones thrive.   Here’s our promise today and for all of our…
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